- How strong are ur glassed? 300 diopters. 你(近视)眼睛多少度?300度.
- How strong are your glasses?4 diopter. 你的(近视)眼镜多少度?400度.
- How strong are your glasses ? 3 diopters. 妳的眼镜多少度?300度。
- How strong are your glasses?Three diopters. 你(近视)眼睛多少度?300度.
- How strong are your glasses?300 diopters. 你眼镜多少度?300度。
- How strong are your glasses? 5 diopters. 要是远视眼镜500度,怎么说呢?
- How strong are your glasses? 3 diopters. 他认为该声明是极大的侮辱。
- Then he realized how vast and how strong are the fortifications that surround the present system. 因为这时他认识到现行制度的堡垒是多么强大、多么坚固。
- Yet, how strong was the impression that only a few weeks had given! 然而,只有几个星期,给人留下的印象却是多么深刻!
- Haha. You wrong. I did not bring contact lenses. I do not myopia. Mr. glasses. How strong are your glasses ? 3 diopters. 哈哈.;你错了
- ON RETURNING this time from his leave, Rostov for the first time felt and recognised how strong was the tie that bound him to Denisov and all his regiment. 罗斯托夫这次休假回来以后,头一次感到和意识到他与杰尼索夫和整个兵团的关系是何等巩固。
- The only smiling are Ur dolls that I made. 唯一的微笑在我为你做的玩偶上。
- How strong are your glasses? 你近视多少度?
- How strong are you? [美]你有多少钱?
- So, i feel regret that this life i can't be ur girlfriend. 所以,很可惜。我今生仍然不是你的女友。
- Arbo> Wot was ur first professional goal and how did u celebrate. 你第一个职业生涯的进球是哪个?你是怎样庆祝的?
- Wow! How strong the ABK's kids are! 拍球,这也是本园独特的特色喔!
- how strong are your glasses? 300 diopters. 2.;你(近视)眼睛多少度? 300度
- If possible , i want to be ur daughter for ever even after reincarnation. 将来一定要让老爹老娘不用为我担心,要让他们过上很好的生活。
- 7. How strong are your glasses 3 diopters. 他认为该声明是极大的侮辱.